Low voltage dc like 5v 6v 9v 12v is used in electronics circuits led bulbs toys and many household electronics items generally batteries are used to power them but they need to be replaced time to time which is not cost effective and also takes our time energy.
Transformerless 12v dc power supply circuit.
This is a transformerless power supply for low current applications.
A zener can be used in the output to get regulated dc.
Please i am having this issues with transformerless power supply.
The main component of a transformerless power supply circuit is a voltage dropping capacitor or x rated capacitor which is specially designed for ac lines.
C1 is the x rated ac capacitor that reduces high volt ac.
Transformerless power supply circuit diy project syed saad hasan 1 354 views 3 months ago designing efficient power supplies are a major concern of today s electronics as one of the main issues in modern day electronics is to efficiently generate low voltage dc from an ac source such as a wall outlet to power any circuit.
D1 d4 rectifies ac to dc and c2 removes ripples.
If a circuit requires very low current of a few milliamperes transformerless power supply is an ideal solution.
A transformerless power supply basically translates a high voltage ac into a desirable dc voltage without the use of a transformer.
R1 is the bleeder to remove stored current in ac when power is off.
Before designing a transformerless power supply some facts about ac dropping through a capacitor or resistor are to be considered.
Generating low voltage dc from the 220v or 110v ac mains is very useful and necessary in the field of electronics.